2008. március 31., hétfő

Láv end písz :)

A cím szó szerint értendő... Most béke van bennem és szerelem... Csodálatos volt ez a nap, megint boldog voltam és vagyok is, remélem, ez az érzés nagyon-nagyon sokáig fog tartani és minden nap tavasz lesz a szívemben... és az Övében is... Szeretlek, Kedves...!!!

"All I Want Is You"

You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want your story to remain untold

But all the promises we made
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you'll give me a highway with no one on it
A treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say you'll give me eyes in a world of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

All I want is...you
All I want is...you
All I want is...you


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